It is definitely allergy season and there are little white fuzzies flying around everywhere outside right?  Well, it is time for you to bundle up and not go outside at all because your allergies are too bad right?  Wrong!  Not anymore!  While you can not actually substitute these allergy remedies for your allergy medication from the doctor, you will absolutely be able to feel better and be outside when you start to use some of these!

For example, did you know that eating foods that contain a hell of a lot of vitamins A, B12, C and E are really good at blocking your allergies out?  Or you can even try Flaxseed as well as L-histidine.  Another thing you can do is start juicing everyday, that way you can beat out those allergies.

Carrot juice, celery juice, parsley tea, sage tea, yarrow tea, eyebright tea and thyme tea are all fantastic remedies that are natural for some of your allergy symptoms.  So keep those in mind!

Lowering your blood pressure is something that not a lot of women or men actually know how to do.  It is hard to know exactly how to do it with medication, but trying to lower your blood pressure naturally?  That’s even harder!  That is what we are going to explore in this blog, how you can lower your blood pressure naturally and most of the time without any medication at all!

Medications, what I have found usually have a lot of side effects and I am a person that is not into side effects.  So there are a few things that you can do on your own to lower your blood pressure.  First and foremost, the food you can actually lower your blood pressure.  Celery, chocolate and bananas are just a few examples and they are definitely the most effective.  Eat all of those in moderation though!

Another thing is using deep breathing exercises and yoga to promote good health all over and reduce stress and anxiety that might rise up your blood pressure.  There are quite a few herbs that can also assist you, so make sure that you do some research on that too!

Renting a stairlift is a great alternative to making a purchase.

When you yawn, someone next to you will highly likely yawn. But did you know that smile is also contagious? Be happy and other people around you will tend to be happy. Surround yourself with a jolly batch and you will find yourself smiling.

Researchers from Harvard and other universities studied how social networks affect someone’s happiness. The study concluded that happiness behaves like a virus and spreads from one person to another even without direct contact.

Five thousand subjects participated in the survey together with their 50000 connections of family, officemates, friends, and other acquaintances. The proponents asked these people about subjective perception of happiness for the last two decades.

The British Medical Journal cites in a study that the happiness of one person is affected by others around him. One can be happy towards a person and that person’s might spread to his uncle, auntie, and other people. Unhappiness on the other hand does not spread as fast.

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